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10 minutes with… Larissa De Jesús

Aug. 23, 2023
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Larissa de Jesús (Puerto Rico, 1994) is a multidisciplinary artist who uses pictorical storytelling to process psychological trauma, through her work she prioritizes finding presence through artmaking and embraces change through diverse materials and conceptual thinking. This therapeutic process allows her to have a spiritual relationship with her creations and explore profound existential issues. Larissa’s imagery is stylistically varied, drawing inspiration from the subconscious mind, similar to the Surrealists. With no prior sketching, she employs automatism to access her memories and experiences from Puerto Rico.

Having familiarized ourselves with Larissa’s pictorial work through her participation at UVNT Art Fair 2023 with La Causa Galería, we now want to personally get to know her better in a brief 10-minute interview, ready?

Your first memory painting… Making noodles with my aunt.

The last thing you painted… The face of a saint reflected on a puddle.

Street or studio work? Studio work, but I enjoy making murals.

Your favorite color to use? Blue.

 What’s your routine?  Drink coffee, meditate in the shower, exercise, paint, watch TV, answer emails, paint some more, eat lunch, maybe take a nap, start a new painting, shower, cook dinner and then go to sleep early.

Who would you like to collaborate with? I would like to collaborate with MoMA. Perhaps make a book together.

An artist you admire… Angel Otero.

A lesser-known artist to recommend… Paola De la Calle.

A pictorial style? Neo Surrealism.

The work you have enjoyed the most? My piece “i’ve stood rejection before”.

And the one you feel the proudest? My piece “I need you to fix me”.

A turning point in your career? Organizing my first solo show in New York City with my partner. It opened doors I never knew existed. 

Your work in three words… Introspective. Humorous. Dynamic.

And your personality? Strongly opinionated and highly open to changing my mind. 

A city that inspires you… CDMX.

A special place for you… Caguas, PR. 

 A book you’re reading? Atomic Habits. 

The last movie you’ve seen? “Reality” on HBO.

A series? “Leguizamo does America”.

What music inspires you? Nature sounds (this is what I listen to when I work).

A museum or art center… The New Museum in New York.

A special artwork for you? The hungry lion throws himself on the antelope by Henri Rousseau.

A bar/restaurant to find you? Tacombi. 

A meal… Steak, asparagus and carrots.

What do you fear? Addiction.

Any obsessions lately? Weight lifting.

What can’t you stand? Impatience – either in myself or others.

Alone or with company? Alone.

How do you waste your time? Instagram. 

A goal? Do a performance in a institution.

Your ideal future… Peaceful home, steady income and a constant overflow of creativity. 

What are you working on right now? I’m working on my upcoming solo show in New York with Anna Zorina.

A life mantra… Art takes time. Making it takes time, understanding it takes time and having a steady income as an artist takes time. Patience is everything.