burguer burguer urvanity lab


For the second year in a row, we created a broad program of talks, presentations, mural interventions and workshops in eight universities around Spain with the purpose of bringing contemporary art closer to the students of Fine Arts. This year the initiative Tuenti Urban Art Academy has been in the following Fine Arts faculties around Spain: Tenerife, Barcelona, Murcia, Sevilla, Granada, Bilbao, Valencia and Madrid. In each of the universities, one artist left his or her mark, realizing a mural intervention. This year we worked with renowned artists like GR170, J. Demsky, Cristian Blanxer, Ampparito, Murone, Doa Oa, Dulk and El Tono.


University of La Laguna

From the 8th to the 12 of October 2018

Artistic intervention of GR170.

Workshop “New figurations in the public space” by Sabotaje al Montaje.
Workshop “Proactive Urban Art: strategies to reach citizens” by Jofre Oliveras.

A program of talks, debates and presentations about “The proactive necessity of Urban Art” featuring Santiago Morilla (artist and professor in the Complutense University of Madrid), Marc Garcia Sanchez (Cultural Manager, co-responsible of Rebobinart and the Ús festival in Barcelona) and Sokram (multidisciplinary artist).


University of Barcelona (UB)

From the 15th to the 19th of October 2018

Artistic intervention of Demsky.

Workshop “Muralvision” by Murone.
Workshop “MY WAY. Technique and construction of the creative process” by Xélon.

A program of talks, debates and presentations about “The imagined city: architecture, public sphere and urban art.” featuring Pau Waelder (Art critic, professor in the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and curator, specialized on digital art), Oscar García (Director of the Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo/PAC), Vinz (urban artista and responsible of the Sabotage Gallery) and A.L.Crego (multidisciplinary urban artist).


University of Murcia (UMU)

From the 22nd to the 26th of October 2018

Artistic intervention of Cristian Blanxer.

Workshop “Everything sticks: Todo se pega: derivation and public collages” by Lolofónico.

A program of talks, debates and presentations about “Muralism: autopromotion, propaganda, tradition and impact.” featuring Álvaro Ardura (professor of Urbanism in the Polytechnic University of Madrid and investigator of the public space), Juan Canales (artista, curator and professor of the Universitat Politècnica de València) and Ricardo Recuero (independent curator and associated editor at PAC).


University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

From the 5th to the 9th of November 2018

Artistic intervention of Ampparito

Workshop “Variable sculptures” by Luce.
Workshop “Puzzle: Image and concept, concept and image” Srger.

A program of talks, debates and presentations about “Who are we? The role of the public in the public space.” featuring Eduard Crespo (Director of Parees, a mural interventions festival in Oviedo), Darío Cobacho (artista and urban art curator. Co-manager of Ensayos Urbanos), Gabriela Berti (Doctor in philosophy and specialist in art and urban cultures) and Germán Rigol (urban art documentary maker).


University of Granada (UGR)

From the 12th to the 16th of November 2018

Artistic intervention of Murone.

Workshop “About confusion and functionality: TEALLR, TELLAR, TAELLR” by Ampparito.y
Workshop ”Is there anything else to say?” by the artistic collective BYG.

A program of talks, debates and presentations about “The confusion and irony as stratgies for interventions in the public space” featuring Mawatres (artist,curator and researcher of the public space), Cuco Cola (curator and co-manager of Espacio Matrioska), Isabel Carrasco (Doctor in Aestethic of the Faculty of Philosophy of the UCM. Investigates public and urban art) and Vicente Torres (responsible of the gallery Plàstic Murs in Valencia).


University of Sevilla (US)

From the 19th to the 23rd of November 2018

Artistic intervention of Doa Oa.

Workshop “Vinil, vidi, vici” by Juan Díaz-Faes.
Workshop ”Chronography of the stencil. From contracultural propaganda to urban art.” by BTOY.

A program of talks, debates and presentations about “Urban Art and pop culture: between appropriation and the connection with the viewer.” featuring Carlos Callizo (urban artista and professor at the University of Murcia), Jaume Gómez (artist, president of INDAGUE and Doctor by the University of Valencia), Aleix Gordo (urban artist, illustrator and urban art documentary maker), Enric Font (artist, curator and Doctor by the University of Barcelona) and Eva Villazala (La Mono Magazine).


Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

From the 10th to the 14th of December 2018

Artistic intervention of Dulk.

Workshop “Urban art and it’s relation with citizens and arquitecture” by Spogo.
Workshop “Altruistic intervenctions” by Zësar Bahamonte.

A program of talks, debates and presentations “Teaching urban art: strategies of narratives and meditation” featuring Ramón Pérez Sendra (urban artista and Doctor by the UGR), Xavi Ballaz (Manager of Difusor, the pioneer entity of the management of walls and murals in Barcelona, responsible of OpenWalls Barcelona) and Ninoska Juan (responsible of the projects and planning of Fundación Contorno Urbano).