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Albert Pinya

(1985, Palma de Mallorca)

Albert Pinya (1985, Palma de Mallorca) bases his work on a deliberate and ironic ingenuity that dismantles the perverse structures of reality. He has quickly developed an identifiable style of his own, in which he applies the codes of popular culture, comics, illustration and a thoughtful naive aesthetic that hides the precise treatment of the themes he explores.

His work rejects “l’art pour l’art” and understands that, being a means of expression, art is eminently communicative and must always be based on an ideology. For all this, rather than talking about ‘artistic creation’ we would have to talk about ‘artistic reaction’. Painting, drawing, intervention, installation, performance, graphic work and sound are the means with which he develops the discourse of the narratives.
One of his greatest obsessions focuses on the study and observation of human beings and the way they establish relationships with society and with the environment.

He is one of the best-known Mallorcan artists of his generation, internationally. He has won the AECA prize (ARCOmadrid, 2014) and the Medal of Honor at the 2016 BMW painting awards (Madrid). He was also the First Prize Winner in the Art Jove Illes Balears Program run by the government of the Balearic Islands in 2007. In the last few years, he has exhibited works locally, nationally and internationally in museums and other institutions including the MAC Contemporary Museum of Art of Lissone (Italy, 2017), Naves Matadero in Madrid (Spain, 2019), the MACE Contemporary Museum of Art of Eivissa (Spain, 2020) and Es Baluard Contemporary
Museum of Art of Palma (Spain, 2019).