burguer burguer

Cesc Abad

(Barcelona, 1973)

"I was born in Barcelona in 1973, the only son of a family dedicated to the family business. At the age of fifteen I was expelled from school and it was at this time when I began to feel attracted to the plastic arts, especially painting. My father paid for my first workshop on the condition that I would work in his local business. During these early years I experimented with art and presented it in different art galleries. Everything was going well until my father died suddenly when I was 21 years old. Without even having time to think about it, I found myself running my father's business. This profoundly influenced my understanding of art, the world and even myself. I worked as the manager of this business, always using creativity to solve the problems that came our way.


During my time in management, I created more than a spring of successful ventures in different fields (electronics, industrial refrigeration, air conditioning, sports and fashion). During this period I felt that my passion for painting made me weak in the eyes of my business colleagues, so I decided to hide it. Having enough free time and savings, I decided to set up a large workshop at work in the strictest secrecy. It was in my company's headquarters, right next to my office. There was a door that led directly to my art studio. This is where I experimented endlessly with different materials and techniques (painting, photography, film, ceramics, etc...), hardly exposing my work to anyone.

This space was nicknamed "the wall" by my employees. Nobody knew what was behind the door, not even my closest colleagues. I only shared it with a few people in my family. Despite not having the need to sell my work and having no resource limits, I had to hide my creations from prying eyes and I had more and more commercial activity. All this began to take its toll on me. After living a double life for the better part of twenty years, I decided to sell my businesses in 2016 and dedicate myself exclusively to creating artwork. So, I moved to a more modest studio and started preparing works to show in the world.

I decide that it is no longer a secret."