burguer burguer

Claudia Pastomas

(Spain, 1998)

Claudia Pastomas studied Fine Arts and has recently completed a Master's degree in Art recently completed a Master's Degree in Artistic Production at the Polytechnic University of Valencia while at the same time enriching herself with different professional professional experiences in the artistic field.
His artistic production is based on pictorial and installation art. He works in his
space, an old cabinetmaking workshop in Valencia, a family trade that has always been present in his day that has always been present in his daily life and that currently acts as an attractor of a medial archaeology with the repertoire of objects and forms he finds there.

In his work, he shows the processes of a medium that have been relegated, working with the waste, the limits and the with the residue, the limits and the material itself to explore how the paradigm has changed in relation to the paradigm has changed in relation to commercial production and reconstructs links between forms, materials and theforms, materials and the obsolete to consider how they are activated in the present. Aline of research and artistic production motivated by the search for new perceptions that revisit the perceptions that revise traditional cabinetmaking production.
This year, he has participated in various group exhibitions such as: Generation-Z,
at WeCollect Gallery, Madrid. Cuadernos de... at the Arniches 26 Gallery, Madrid,
in the Artists' Book Present, printmaking based. Za Szklem Gallery. Warsaw, Poland
or 'PAMPAM23' currently exhibited at the Atarazanas del Grau, Valencia.So far, some of his latest solo exhibitions have been: Coraza y Ornament in the Saceca space, Sagunto; Atractores estraños (Strange attractors), held during the
the Artistic Residency at the Quart de Poblet Creation Space on the occasion of the
Contemporary Artistic Creation Award, and Contra-Desborde, in the independent space Algo Algo, Valencia.
She has recently been awarded with the Scholarship of the II Convocatoria de la cátedra Bodegas Faustino & Willy Ramos to Paris, the First Prize at the International Graphics International Graphics Fair in Bilbao with the project: Al límite del medio, and the first prize in the the First Prize at the International Art Contest of the Salvador Victoria Foundation.