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Estefanía Martín Saenz

(Bilbao, 1982)

After her participation in Just LX Lisboa, Estefanía was awarded the I Premio Adquisición de Arte Emergente Fundação Millennium bcp for her triptych Mala hierba and the II Premio de Pintura y Artes Plásticas "La Rural" for her work "La mala hierba también muere". In 2016 she won the Martínez Guerricabeitia Foundation Acquisition Prize for her work Los cuervos que adoraban a la mujer, in which she invented the story of the Celtic goddess Morrigan and the ravens, and in 2015 she received the DKV-MAKMA Drawing Prize for her work "Las Ausentes", exhibited at the Centre del Carme in Valencia.

Estefanía has been working exclusively for the Gema Llamazares Gallery since 2016, where she had her first solo exhibition, entitled 1-600, curated by Semíramis González.

Recently, in 2018 she showed her latest project in the XV Edition of the Conexiones programme at the ABC Museum, with the solo exhibition "Luto y lujo"; and this year she is planning an important solo exhibition at the Centro de Arte Alcobendas, Madrid.