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Miguel Ángel Madrigal

(Mexico, 1974)

Madrigal explores different ways of manipulating objects and materials. He has challenged gravity - not only the physical but also the visual balance as well as the conventionality of artistic supports. He works with shapes and objects that we can recognize in our daily life, but when we relate them with others arbitrarily, they resignify themselves by radically changing our perception of them. 

He has had more than 30 solo exhibitions and 80 group exhibitions in various museums, biennials, centers and galleries in Mexico and internationally in Spain, USA, Germany, Colombia, Canada, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Hong Kong, Japan, France, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, China, United Kingdom, to mention a few. 

Among his awards are highlighted, belonging to the National System of Creators of Mexico 2015-2018 and 2011-2014, Residency at the Banff Center, FONCA, Alberta Canada, Residency at the Basilisk Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Residency at the Bilbao Art Center, Bilbao Spain, Scholar of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) 2004 2005, Honorable Mention Second National Biennial of Visual Arts of Yucatan, Acquisition Award 3 era. Puebla De Los Angeles Biennial Among the most outstanding collections are. Jumex Collection, Hakim, Gelman, Enrique Guerrero, Bilbao Art Foundation, The RISD Museum (of Rhode Island), Museo de la Cancillería, Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla, Museo Carrillo Gil, La tallera Siqueiros, Hendrix, Instituto de Cultura de Morelos, among others.